šŸ«°šŸ»Strategies to Stop Procrastinating

This is the first blog post Iā€™ve written in about 2 months.Ā  I have found hundreds of distractions and reasons to push off writing.Ā  I think I have a headache, I need to do the laundry, I want to hike a new trail today, thereā€™s a notification on my Facebook page, thereā€™s a new email, I donā€™t know what Iā€™m having for dinner, maybe my son is coming to visit this weekend, it looks like rain, I donā€™t have any ideas to write about, maybe Iā€™ve written about everything I can write about, etc. In reality, the main reason I didnā€™t write is because my computer has been SSSLLLLOOOWWWWIIIINNNGGG down. I spent three weekends trying to figure out what the problem was with my desktop pc and I have finally resorted to writing on my laptop.Ā  Iā€™m amazed at how one hang-up like a computer can derail me for weeks.Ā  I say to myself ā€œWhelp, itā€™s taking too long; might as well go watch Netflix.ā€Ā 

So how did I finally stop procrastinating and get to work?  Here are some strategies I put into place that might work for you too:

  1. Break it down into the tiniest of pieces.Ā I mean really tiny.Ā  Like instead of saying ā€œIā€™m going to read Gone with the Windā€, say ā€œIā€™m going to put the book next to my reading chairā€, or ā€œOpen the book and read one chapter, or one page or one paragraphā€.Ā  This is advice fromĀ BJ FoggĀ and his excellent book, Tiny Habits.Ā  The tiny habit should take less than 30 seconds to complete, according to Fogg, so that time is not a deterrent and the new habit grows naturally. So, to get started on this post, I set up the actual blank document so it was ready to go.
  2. Change your environment.Ā Ā I had no idea that this was holding me back but I usually have my desktop computer and laptop on the same desk.Ā  I kept getting sucked into the abyss of the ā€œMy desktop slowing downā€ and not responding to even the smallest of actions.Ā  Pretty soon, I had my phone open and I was scrolling Facebook while ā€œI waitedā€ for a page to load on my computer. I had my fully functioning laptop on the same desk but I still never started to write.Ā  I was completely hung up on using my desktop.Ā  So, I got the bright idea to move my laptop yesterday to my ā€œwritingā€ chair.Ā  And suddenly, perhaps because the laptop was in plain sight and in a different environment, I started writing. Changing my environment got me at the keyboard once again.
  3. Music.Ā  This may not be for everyone but I play classical music when I write.Ā  It has to be an instrumental for it to be the right vibe for me to write.Ā  I donā€™t want to get caught up in the lyrics of a song.Ā  Turning on a classical playlist sets the right tone for me to work.Ā  It also sets the tone that I will be working and writing if there is classical music playing in the background.Ā  I find my muse in classical music.
  4. Shut down distractions.Ā Ā I take coaching calls most of the day on my laptop.Ā  If I hear a beep or ding or a notification shows up on my screen, I will research the source of the distraction and eliminate it.Ā  Outside of my calendar reminding me of my next appointment, I donā€™t want to have anything disrupting my coaching calls.Ā  By eliminating these distractions, I am able to be fully present for my calls.Ā  This has the added benefit of eliminating distractions when Iā€™m writing as well.Ā  I generally try to write on the weekends so there arenā€™t usually any upcoming appointments but Iā€™m also not receiving email or social media notifications which could potentially derail me from focusing on my writing.Ā  Shut down distractions.
  5. Serializing.Ā This is a terrific suggestion from Oliver Burke in his book, 4000 Weeks. Burke wrote, ā€œFocus only on one big project at a time. Though itā€™s alluring to try to alleviate the anxiety of having too many responsibilities or ambitions by getting started on them all at once, youā€™ll make little progress that way. Multitasking rarely works well ā€” and youā€™ll soon find that serializing helps you to complete more projects anyway, thereby helping relieve your anxiety.ā€ So set up on your schedule that youā€™ll work 30 minutes each day on the Gnarly Project or the budget or the annual review process.Ā  Once the 30 minutes is done, move on and come back to it the next day.Ā  Serialize big projects.
  6. Eat that frog.Ā Ā Mark Twain once said, ā€œEat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.ā€ Start your day with the worst thing you donā€™t want to do and then itā€™s clear coasting the rest of the day.Ā  It might be that a five-mile run, cleaning out the garage, or finishing the annual review for your worst performing direct report is the best way to start your day. Ā Ā Eat that frog.
  7. Choose what you do.Ā  Change up your self-talk around that which you are procrastinating.Ā  As written on MindTools, the phrases ā€œneed toā€ and ā€œhave to,ā€ for example, imply that you have no choice in what you do. This can make you feel disempowered and might even result in self-sabotage. However, saying, ā€œI choose to,ā€ implies that you own a project, and can make you feel more in control of your workload. Elect to work on a blog post instead of ā€œneedingā€ to.Ā 
  8. Celebrate or reward.Ā Ā This made a big difference in my flossing habit in the morning. Dr. Fogg advocates either a high five or fist pump when you finish a new behavior like flossing your teeth.Ā  It wires positivity into your brain.Ā  You could also set up a reward when you are done like a latte from your favorite coffee shop or phoning a friend or watching an episode of your favorite show.Ā  Wiring positivity helps set up the expectation that something good will come after eating the frog.

I used several of these tools to get back to writing again.  It feels good to get back to writing and the sense of accomplishment is a reward enough for me at this point.  What are some of your tricks to overcome procrastination? 

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